Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Hi there blog world.

After three (or four) margaritas, I have finally stepped in the deep end of the pool and joined the world of blogging. By deep end, I mean that I have for a while now been just a reader of blogs, splashing in the shallow end end as you have it. So here I am. What I am going to do or say or share on this blog I really have no idea.

Last year's birthday was a mile stone birthday for me. I decided that I was finally to the stage in my life that I was going to try new things without being afraid of failing or what people would say. So far, I've done pretty well. I learned to knit, have gone bowling (yup...never before), finally joined a church, have signed up for sewing lessons...and started a blog. I am sure that there are other things that I did or tried that I normally wouldn't have. I have to say that, thus far, I'm proud of myself.

Here I hope to capture the random thoughts in my idea, send out to the world questions that I have everyday, record the trials and tribulations of my new hobbies, probably ramble on and on.

So welcome to my "Nook", my corner of the world. Stop in and visit, stay and have a cup of coffee or a beer depending on what you prefer. I prefer both, but not at the same time.

More to come...

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